Rabu, 04 September 2013

Aeroplanes and Global Warming

      Now, becoming pretty clear that we are causing a great deal of damage to the natural environment. One of causes the global warming that is produced by aeroplanes. Actually the people that are causing a great deal damage to the natural environment. The planes that give us in comfort to destination around world actually have the biggest effect of the environmental damage know. We called it the global warming.

        Unfortunately, planes produced far more carbon dioxide (CO2) than any other form of public transport, and CO2 that called a greenhouse gas that is a gas which traps the heat of the sun, causing the temperature of the Earth to rise. Scientist predicted that in the near future the climate in Britain will be same as the climate in Mediterranean. If the global warming continues, we may also find that many tourist destinations such as The Maldives have disappeared under water because of rising sea levels.

       As usual, people in the developing world are having to deal problems created mainly by those of people in developed countries. Beatrice Schell, a spokeswoman for the European Federation for Transport and Environment said that,” One person flying in an airplane for one hour is responsible for the same greenhouse gas emissions as a typical Bangladeshi in a whole year.” And every year jet aircraft generate almost as much carbon dioxide as the entire African content produces.

    The people that used the airplanes have to pay “polluter pays principle”, where users pay for the bad effects they cause, the damage cause by planes is not being paid for. Aircraft fuel is not taxed on international flights and planes, unlike cars, are not inspected for CO2 emissions. Also, the Kyoto agreement does not cover greenhouse gases produced by planes, leaving government to decide for themselves who is responsible.

   So what can be done to solve the problem? although aircraft engine manufacturers are making more efficient engines and researching alternative fuels such as hydrogen, it will be decades before air travel is not damaging to the environment. Governments don’t seem to be taking the problem seriously, so it is up to individual travellers to do what they can to help.

   The most obvious way of dealing with the problem is to not travel by plane at all. Environmental groups like Friends of the Earth encourage people to travel by train and plan holidays nearer home. However with prices of flights at an all time low, and exotic destinations more popular than ever, it is hard to persuade British tourists to choose Blackpool instead of Bangkok, or Skegness over Singapore. Friends of the Earth also advise using teleconferencing for international business meetings, but most businesspeople still prefer to meet face-to-face.
    However there is a way of offsetting the carbon dioxide we produce when we travel by plane. A company called Future Forests, whose supporters include Coldplay and Pink Floyd, offers a service which can relieve the guilty consciences of air travellers. The Future Forest website calculates the amount of CO2 you are responsible for producing on your flight, and for a small fee will plant the number of trees which will absorb this CO2. Another company, co2.org, offers a similar service, but invests your money in energy saving projects such as providing efficient light bulbs to villagers in Mauritius.